BCH Business Club Hamburg

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22765 Hamburg


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BCH Business Club Hamburg

club digital


Maritimes Business Frühstück: „Rolls-Royce and Digitization”

Business Club Hamburg
Elbchaussee 43
22765 Hamburg
Dienstag, 21. November 2017
09:00 - 11:00 Uhr

mcn_logo_pur_4c_dUnterstützt durch das Maritime Cluster Norddeutschland treffen sich Vertreter der maritimen Wirtschaft und Interessierte zum Erfahrungsaustausch, um über aktuelle Entwicklungen, Projekte und Chancen in der Maritimen Wirtschaft zu diskutieren, aber auch fachliches Know-how auszutauschen.

portrait_sildenPRESENTER: Ms. Janne Silden, Sales Manager Rolls-Royce Marine Deutschland GmbH

Dieser Vortrag wird in englischer Sprache gehalten.


Advances in digital technology are driving the development of our remote capabilities.  Our Ship Intelligence solutions, including intelligent asset management and remote and autonomous solutions, will deliver multifaceted enhancements in vessel performance and operation. Offerings such as remote access enabled by onshore remote operation and control centres, are already providing our customers with superior real-time connectivity that make these solutions a reality. The economic model for remote and autonomous operation offers highly attractive opportunities for ship operators to reduce cost and increase revenue. Our cross-functional expertise and advanced product knowledge makes us an ideal partner to transform today’s vessels for tomorrow’s needs.

Janne Silden
Since 2013 Ms Silden manages the Sales and Service Centre of Rolls-Royce Marine Deutschland GmbH, Hamburg. She is the principle contact for German shipping companies, her responsibilities include all aspects of customer relationships management (e.g. developing sales strategies, managing customer complaints, acquisition).

Prior to Rolls-Royce she worked over 9 years at Blohm+Voss Industries GmbH as a Sales and Project Engineer. Ms. Silden holds a MBA of the Hamburg School of Business Administration and a Master’s degree of Mechanical Engineering of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Rolls-Royce Marine
Rolls-Royce Marine has a world leading range of capabilities in the marine market, encompassing vessel design, the integration of complex systems and the supply and support of power and propulsion equipment. We are leaders in mission-critical systems for offshore oil and gas rigs, offshore, merchant and naval vessels. Today the Rolls-Royce marine product range is one of the broadest in the world. 70 of the world’s maritime forces and over 30,000 commercial vessels use our equipment.

Our global support network underpins all activities and continues to expand with 50 centres in 28 countries with more planned. Our Ship Intelligence division is transforming future marine operations and we are pushing the boundaries of ship technology by harnessing the power of data to deliver through life asset optimisation and unparalleled performance.

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KOSTEN: Mit Ihrer verbindlichen Anmeldung ist ein Kostenbeitrag von 18,00 EURO pro Person verbunden. In dem Kostenbeitrag sind ein abwechslungsreiches Business-Frühstück und alle Heißgetränke enthalten.



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