BCH Business Club Hamburg

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BCH Business Club Hamburg

club digital


HYBRID — Online & Live im Business Club: education & coffee „The basics of the situational management style“ – with Prof. Jonathan Passmore, Henley Business School

Business Club Hamburg
Elbchaussee 43
22765 Hamburg
Freitag, 26. Juni 2020
09:30 - 11:30 Uhr

An diesem Hybrid-Event können Sie persönlich im Business Cub Hamburg teilnehmen oder online per Zoom-Konferenz.


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In this session Prof Jonathan Passmore will explore different approaches to leadership. He will argue that the most effective leaders use a variety of approaches, but in most organisations a coaching leadership style should be the default setting. He will suggest ways leaders can structure coaching conversations with their team and the skills they need to develop, before offering five tips for leaders to take away an implement with their teams.



09.30   Welcome & Introductions & Reflection

09.45   Leader Coach, with Prof. Jonathan Passmore

10.45   Quick Q&A

11.00   Networking

11.30   Close




Prof. Jonathan Passmore, Director Henley Centre for Coaching, Henley Business School, UK

Christoph Raudonat, Director Henley Business School in Germany

Ragna Kirberg, Director of Coaching and Reflection Henley Business School Germany

Doerthe Ramin, Head of Henley Alumni in Germany




Passmor kleinProf. Jonathan Passmore from Henley Business School is a thought leader in coaching theory and practice. He has written and edited over 30 books, over 100 scientific articles and is ranked as a Global lead in coaching in the Global Gurus list and the Thinkers 50 Coaching list. He is director of coaching at Henley, has worked for PWC and IBM and contributes to coach senior executives. His latest book ‚Becoming a Coach‘ is due out in September.




Henley Business School Germany


Henley Business School is known worldwide for its contribution to leadership development. It is one of the oldest business schools in the UK and also offers in Germany leading insights into management and modern leadership approaches. The Henley Executive MBA Global, the Professional Certificate in Executive Coaching as well as the Post-Graduate Certificate in Leadership are all core leadership programmes on offer to participants in Germany (Munich and Hamburg) as well. As a member of the Business Club Hamburg, Henley Business School Germany offers BCH members special rates when registering for academic programmes. For more information and upcoming events, please visit: http://henley.hamburg




Dieses Event wird in englischer Sprache stattfinden.



Sie sind Gast von Henley Business School und dem Business Club Hamburg.

Zeitrahmen gesamt: 9:30 – 11:30 Uhr.

Diese Hybrid-Veranstaltung wird sowohl in unseren Clubräumen als auch als Online-Event stattfinden. Der Versand der Login-Daten erfolgt nach Abfrage der Teilnahmeart einen Tag vor der Veranstaltung.



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